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Food & Mood: 7 tips for boosting your mood with gorgeous food!

Food & Mood: 7 tips for boosting your mood with gorgeous food!

You’ll know intuitively that what you eat influences how you feel, but do you know which foods to eat that are known to boost your mood?

How we think and feel on a day-to-day basis is very closely linked to our brain chemistry and how parts of our nervous system, such as neurotransmitters, are working. You might have heard of serotonin, for example. It’s often referred to as our “happy hormone”; in fact, it’s one of our neurotransmitters and is closely linked with mood and sleep.

Neurotransmitters, like serotonin, are produced through a series of chemical reactions and what we eat can help or hinder that process. And so, our choice of meals can without a doubt influence your mood!

Here are 7 ways to help boost your serotonin through food:

Proteins pack a punch – poultry, fish, eggs, red meats and dairy are all rich in tryptophan which converts into serotonin.

Be healthy with your B vitamins – get plenty of these in the form of meat, fish, dairy, eggs, nuts & seeds, fruit & vegetables such as leafy greens, potatoes and purple fruits.

Get your Zinc in – found in beef, lamb, turkey, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, lentils and quinoa.

Magnesium is magnificent for this – abundant in green leafy vegetables, vegetables in general, pumpkin seeds, legumes, seafood.

Iron takes a load – look out for organ meats, red meats, shellfish, lentils, legumes, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, broccoli.

Calcium carries real benefits – dairy, fish with bones such as sardines, dairy, almonds, broccoli, green leafy vegetables.

Digestive health rules – 70-90% of your serotonin is found in the digestive tract!

Isn’t it amazing that the food lists have lots of overlaps? Nature is clever and makes it so easy to make a meal that encompasses it all.

So a chicken casserole with a variety of vegetables and a few lentils could just be your happy meal.

And hey, if you get a high quality dark chocolate then you’ll hit at least 4 of the nutrients on that list. Don’t say I never treat you!

Find out more and Boost your Mood

If you’re interested in learning all about simple nutrition and lifestyle strategies to help you boost your mood the natural way then join me on my 30-day programme starting 29th September to find out more – it’s all online, so you can access from anywhere! I’d love for you to join me. Early bird prices at the moment


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