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Getting Ready for Summer: It’s Easier Than You Think with 3 Basic Steps

Getting Ready for Summer: It’s Easier Than You Think with 3 Basic Steps

We’re reading it in all the magazines, it’s what everyone’s talking about at the gym, over dinner, down the pub, at work – you name it, the subject is there. Summer is upon us, school’s nearly out, holidays are fast approaching and the beach is beckoning.

And everyone’s asking, “Are You Summer Ready?”

You probably think I’m now going to write about weight loss tips, how to drop a clothes size in 10 days or how to get the perfect set of abs…… but no, I’m going to take a different spin on this. Rather than assume that the only way you can be summer ready is to be a size zero or have a washboard stomach – let’s get real (or what some might consider controversial).

A Different Approach

What if you accepted yourself as ready for summer right now, as you are, and instead focused all that energy on doing what brings you fun, joy, laughter and fulfilment?

Would it start to take away that pressure of not being able to enjoy yourself until you’ve lost a few pounds or can fit into your favourite clothes?

The reality is you can be enjoying your summer right now, as you are, using healthy habits that make you feel great today.

That doesn’t mean you’re not actively choosing wonderfully tasty and nutritious foods, staying active and going to the gym – but you’re doing it in a way that truly fulfils you.

Enjoy Your Summer Today, Right Now

Let’s take a different perspective! Hey, you might find it a bit far-out, but I urge you to give it a try!

1. Focus on What Brings You Joy

We often live in the “when-then” mindset. By that I mean, when I’ve lost a dress size I’ll enjoy my summer, when I’ve finished this deadline then I can spend time with my family this summer, when I’ve got this promotion then I can take a break this summer. And so it continues – our day-to-day happiness completely tied in to the achievement of another goal. I’m not saying the goals aren’t important – they’re what helps us grow and develop in life, but our happiness today shouldn’t be dependent on them.

So, here’s the deal. Right now, rely on your senses to think about what will truly bring you joy this summer. What you’ll remember for years to come. What you’ll never regret spending time doing. Make those your focus and the other things can support and complement it.

2. Get in Touch With Your Body

Our bodies are masters at telling us what they need, but unfortunately, we’re no longer masters of understanding the language. We often overrule the messages with what we’ve read in a magazine, seen on social media or heard from our friends. So now is the time to start listening!

It might sound strange, but ask your body what it needs. What kind of activity does it need to feel its best? A weights session, a swim, a bike ride, a gentle walk, some yoga, even a rest? What kind of food does it need to feel vibrant – ask about colours, textures, smells. I’ve been craving purple foods recently and so I’m having plenty of beetroot, red cabbage, blueberries, blackcurrants, blackberries – and because I’ve listened to my body, I’m more satisfied with what I’ve eaten. Simple, eh?

3. Try Something Different

It’s really easy to get stuck in a routine – we all do it. We’ve got busy lives, we find a routine that works and we stick with it. It helps us to get things done and gives a sense of stability. You don’t need to throw it all out of the window!

Do you remember the sense of anticipation and excitement the first time you tried something new, the satisfaction that went with stepping outside of your comfort zone, the fascination that went with learning something new? Did it feel good?

You benefit in many ways from breaking the routine a little and trying something new. Your brain gets a workout whilst it figures out new things, your feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters flow, and most people report an overall improvement in their sense of wellbeing as a result.

And this is easy – you can start this today. For me, I’m trying some new dishes to cook at home, breaking away from those meals that have become habitual to make. I’m also about to sign up for an art class that starts in the autumn – and believe me, I can’t even draw a decent stickman!

Really, what’s the worst that can happen?

If you’re interested in how to truly make this your summer, right now, the easy way – then join us for The Summer of You: 21 Day Healthy Habits Reboot starting on 27th July. Find out more http://buytickets.at/makelifeamazing/179608

Enjoy Your Summer!

Deborah Bulcock

BA, MA, Dip Nut (CNM), mBANT, CNHC

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