7 Home Workouts when it’s too Cold to go Outside

When the weather outside is frightful, it can be darn hard to find the motivation to leave the warmth of home… let alone hit the gym! The thought of running in the cold, hitting bootcamps in the wet or walking to Body Pump in frosty, dark mornings doesn’t quite get the fitness-fire burning. There’s a reason animals hibernate in the winter.

Staying active with home workouts when it’s too cold to go outside is perfect for maintaining your fitness when you just can’t force the usual gym sessions. There are plenty of winter exercise ideas online where you won’t have to brave the weather; whether it’s creating a fitness programme in your living room or doing home workouts using YouTube tutorials, you can still get your sweat on!

The struggle of keeping to exercise routines in the winter is real. But check out these brilliant fitness sessions that won’t have you out in the cold.

  • Home Workout for Abs


10-Minute Ab Workout: How to get a Six Pack – XHIT Daily

This 10-minute killer workout will fire those abs and build a strong core. Pump the flutter kicks, mountain climbers, and v-crunches!


  • Home HIIT


15-minute Fat Burning HIIT Workout


[No Equipment] – The Body Coach TVSmash through High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in the comfort of your own living room! Follow Joe Wicks as he whisks you through quick fat burning workouts. You definitely won’t need the central heating on during this session!


  • Home Cardio Barre


Cardio Barre Workout for the Best Full-Body Burn – FitSugar

This trendy exercise makes for a brill home workout when it’s too cold to go outside! Try out a home barre workout with a chair to replace the ballet barre usually used in the classes. Exercises focus on strength training and balance. You’ll really feel your glutes wake up.


  • Home workout for Chests and Arms


5 Min Home Workout – Chest and Arms – TheLeanMachines

Clear minimal space in your room and you can smash out a solid 5-minute upper body workout. It’s tough, fast and you’ll really feel it in your triceps. Repeat twice if you’re feeling hardcore.


  • Toning Glutes at Home


Easy Booty Workout you can do Anywhere – Shape & Tone – Tess Begg

This home workout doesn’t require any fitness bands or dumbbells – multiple leg lifts, side lean squats, side kicks and lunges will work those glutes and improve muscle tone. Follow Tess through some quick and simple workouts.


  • Relaxing Home Yoga Session


Yoga for a Rainy Day – Yoga with Adriene

Namaste! Find your inner zen while the winds are blustery outside. Unroll your mat and enjoy a quality stretch with Adriene. You can even follow Adriene’s postures dressed in your pajama pants during this rainy day practice.


  • Tabata in your Bedroom


12 Minute Advanced Tabata – The Body Coach TV

You may have tried out HIIT workouts at home, but ramp it up a notch with intense Tabata-style HIIT: 20 seconds of work followed by a 10 second rest. Five exercises, five rounds of each – your heart rate will go through the roof!



When the temperature dips, these home workouts will get your heart beating without you having to take one step outdoors! And as soon as the sun peeps out again, you’ll be fighting fit and ready to head to gyms near you and fitness classes around you.

With MoveGB, you’ll never have to venture far to get your workout in. Get access to hundreds of fitness venues, classes, gyms in Bristol and gyms in Bath this multi-gym membership – moving has never been easier!
