Top 5 pieces of Equipment to use in the home

Top 5 pieces of Equipment to use in the Home

When people think of a home gym they automatically assume that they don’t have the room. Where are you going to fit a Treadmill, Crosstrainer, or bulky pieces of Strength Equipment?? Just because you don’t have the room for such items there are many more variations of equipment which will offer a full body workout with a fraction of the space needed.

The following items will offer a full body work and when not in use will hide away under the bed or in the back of a wardrobe!

Studio Barbell Set

The Studio Barbell set is great for building strength and muscle tone. Strength training, when done correctly has many health benefits for the young and old, beginners to advanced. Apart from improving strength, muscle tone and stability,  it helps increase our metabolism which helps the body burn fat even at rest. It protects your bones against osteoporosis in later life. You can cover all the main target areas; quads, glutes, hamstrings, back, chest, biceps, triceps and core, to achieve a full body strength workout. PDF


Kettlebells have been used as a form of training for centuries. The main advantage of using Kettlebells is the efficiency; this is due to the fact that many of the Kettlebell moves involve working the upper and lower body at the same time. The all-round benefits include; fat burning, strength, endurance and power. While you can use a variety of different weights for different exercises this is by no means a must, getting one Kettlebell at the correct weight can offer more than enough to get a full workout. Kettlebells are available from 4kg-32kg. PDF

3 in 1 plyo box

Plyo is short for Plyometrics which are explosive exercises usually based around jumping that help to improve speed and power. This in turn helps to burn calories and fast, as it is a form of HIIT Training. The 3 in 1 plyo box offers 3 different height levels in 1 piece of equipment so you can tailor your workout to suit your fitness level or training need. Using a plyo box will also improve balance, coordination and endurance as well as using every muscle in the legs, so a great way to train when space is limited but motivation is not!

Suspension Trainer

A suspension trainer is a rope or nylon strap based system that is attached to a fixed anchor point at a minimum height of approx 1.8m that allows the user to perform body weight based resistance exercises. Home users can use this in a door way due to the special foam door-jamb attachment. The suspension trainer provides the opportunity to get a total body workout, targeting primarily core stability. This has a positive effect on the alignment of the spine and develops muscle stability in the limbs and back. As it is a suspension based system that works against gravity then the impact on the joints is minimal. If you are serious about total body stability then you need to be serious about investing in a suspension trainer. PDF


A mat may be a surprising item in this list but when exercising in the home the important factor is protection and comfort. The floor needs protection from wear and tear and sweat. Also whilst exercising it is important to have adequate comfort and support when lying, sitting or kneeling.

If you have a little extra space then adding a Tornado Air Bike or a Blade Rower would be an absolute must. Link or PDF

Check out our instagram page to view our Fitness Friday videos where you will find a range of workout ideas.
