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Gym Gear Blog by Deborah Bulcock

Hi, I’m Deborah, a Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach and I’m delighted to be writing on behalf of Gym Gear. I want to share with you nutrition and lifestyle information and tips that will help you be your best self when it comes to health and wellbeing. In this first piece I wanted to tell you a little about me and what I do.

I came to Nutritional Therapy after experiencing the side effects of long-term stress – in short, burnout. I’d had a successful 20 year career in financial services and had pushed myself hard in every area of life for many years and just had to do something different. A self-help take on nutrition and lifestyle changes were ultimately what helped me get back to health and it piqued by interest so much that I did the course, got the qualifications and now love helping others experiencing similar issues get back on the road to wellness.

Nutritional Therapy is so much more than ‘going on a diet’ as many people seem to think. I work in a way that really investigates getting to the root cause of someone’s ill-health through deep conversation, the use of health testing, and ultimately piecing together the big jigsaw puzzle. Using nutrition and lifestyle changes, we then work to help the client make improvements. Coaching is key – lets’ face it, we all know that making change can be hard!

My specialist subjects are energy, stress and brain health – areas that affect us all at some point in our lives – and ones that I’ve had first hand experience of.

I spend a lot of time doing talks and running workshops – really connecting with people on subjects that can make a difference to how much they enjoy life. I’m also about to start delivering online programmes to help reach those people that just can’t get there in person – watch this space!

I have 2 companies and you are very welcome to connect with me through either. Vitale Health is my core Nutritional Therapy business, and I’m also co-founder of a wellness events company called Make Life Amazing with another inspirational practitioner.

I’m excited to be here and have the opportunity of connecting with you all. If you have any specific topics you’re interested in, please let me know.

Deborah Bulcock

BA, MA, Dip Nut (CNM), mBANT, CNHC

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